What are the Most Food Sources of Vitamin B6 and B12?

Are you looking to enhance your overall health and wellness through dietary nutrition? Vitamin B6 and B12 are essential for healthy bodily functioning – learn more about the best food sources of these vitamins here!

FoodVitamin B6Vitamin B12
Tuna0.5 mg2.5 mcg
Chicken Breast0.4 mg1.3 mcg
Potato0.4 mg0 mcg

You’ll gain valuable insight into how to get the most out of your diet.

Vitamin B6 vs B12

Vitamin B6 and B12 are both essential B vitamins that play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy body. While both vitamins are found naturally in many foods, some sources are more abundant than others.

Vitamin B6Meat, fish, poultry, beans, some fruits and vegetables
Vitamin B12Animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy

Getting enough of these important vitamins through your diet is crucial for maintaining optimal health and preventing a deficiency.

Benefits of Vitamin B6 and B12

Vitamin B6 and B12 are essential vitamins that play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy nervous and immune system.

Some of the benefits of Vitamin B6 and B12 include:

  • Energy production: Both vitamins help the body convert food into energy.
  • Brain function: Vitamin B6 and B12 affect brain development and cognitive function.
  • Skin and eye health: These vitamins help maintain healthy skin and eye tissues.
  • Red blood cell formation: Vitamin B12 helps produce red blood cells and prevent anemia.

Here are some of the best food sources of Vitamin B6 and B12:

Vitamin B6Vitamin B12
Chickpeas, salmon, tuna, chicken, turkey, potatoes with skin, bananasClams, salmon, trout, tuna, beef liver, eggs, cheese, fortified cereals

Including these foods in your diet can help meet your daily requirements of these essential vitamins. Pro Tip: If you’re on a vegan or vegetarian diet, consider adding Vitamin B12 supplements to your diet.

Food Sources of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 and B12 are essential vitamins required by our body to maintain cognitive function, neurological health, and to produce red blood cells.

Here, we will discuss the most common food sources of Vitamin B6 and B12.

Foods that are rich in Vitamin B6 are:

1. Poultry (chicken and turkey)
2. Fish (tuna and salmon)
3. Potatoes and other starchy vegetables
4. Non-citrus fruits (bananas and watermelon)
5. Nuts (pistachios and hazelnuts)

Foods that are rich in Vitamin B12 are:

1. Shellfish (clams and mussels)
2. Meat (beef and lamb)
3. Poultry (chicken and turkey)
4. Dairy products (milk and yogurt)
5. Eggs (chicken eggs)

It’s important to consume an adequate amount of these vitamins through diet or supplements to maintain adequate health. Pro Tip: Consuming a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains can aid in maintaining healthy levels of B vitamins.

Food Sources of Vitamin B12

When it comes to getting enough Vitamin B12 in your diet, meat, fish, and dairy products are your primary sources, while Vitamin B6 can be found in a wider variety of foods.

Here are some of the best food sources for Vitamin B12:

Beef liver
Clams and oysters
Fish, such as salmon and trout
Cheese and yogurt

As for Vitamin B6, you can find it in these foods:

Chickpeas and lentils
Salmon and tuna
Fortified breakfast cereals
Potatoes and sweet potatoes
Chicken and turkey

While both vitamins are essential for good health, it’s important to note that Vitamin B6 is more widely available in foods and therefore easier to incorporate into your diet. If you’re struggling to get enough B12, consider taking a supplement or discussing other options with your healthcare provider.

How Much Vitamin B6 and B12 Should You Consume?

Vitamin B6 and B12 are essential nutrients that play crucial roles in maintaining good health.

Vitamin B6Vitamin B12
Chickpeas, salmon, chicken breast, tuna, sweet potato, banana, spinach, and pistachios are some of the best sources of vitamin B6. This vitamin is necessary for maintaining brain function, supporting the immune system, and more.Clams, beef liver, salmon, trout, tuna, yogurt, and fortified cereals are some of the best sources of vitamin B12. This vitamin is crucial for maintaining healthy cells, producing DNA, and supporting nerve function.

Depending on your age, gender, and overall health status, you should aim to consume between 1.2-2.4 mcg of vitamin B12 and 1.3-1.7 mg of vitamin B6 per day. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional to determine your specific nutritional needs.

Potential Health Benefits of Vitamin B6 and B12

Vitamin B6 and B12 play essential roles in maintaining good health, from supporting the nervous system to helping with red blood cell formation. Here are some of the best food sources for each vitamin:

For Vitamin B6:
Chickpeas, beef liver, tuna, salmon, potatoes, turkey breast, chicken breast, spinach, pistachios, bananas, and avocado are some good sources of Vitamin B6.
For Vitamin B12:
Clams, beef liver, trout, salmon, tuna, haddock, milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, and fortified cereals are some food sources of Vitamin B12.

Both of these vitamins are crucial nutrients for human health, and a balanced, nutrient-rich diet containing these foods can help you meet your daily recommendations. Pro tip- Always consult a doctor before taking any supplements, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

Potential Risks of Taking Too Much Vitamin B6 and B12

The most common food sources of Vitamin B6 and B12 are easily available in our diet, but when taken in large amounts, vitamin B6 and B12 can lead to potential health risks.

Foods rich in Vitamin B6 are chickpeas, salmon, tuna, potatoes, bananas, and fortified cereals. Excessive intake of Vitamin B6 may lead to neurological disorders such as numbness, tingling, and nerve damage.

Foods rich in Vitamin B12 include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. Excessive intake of Vitamin B12 is rare. However, if consumed in large doses, it may lead to acne, rosacea, and skin rashes.

It is recommended that adults take no more than 100 mg of Vitamin B6 and 2.4 mcg of Vitamin B12 daily to avoid potential health risks. Before taking any Vitamin supplements, consult with your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage for you.

Pro tip – Always practice moderation and maintain a balanced diet to avoid vitamin deficiencies that may require supplements.


In conclusion, vitamin B6 and B12 are essential vitamins needed for a healthy body.

Some of the richest food sources of vitamin B6 include fish, pork, poultry, potatoes, and bananas. This vitamin plays a significant role in producing red blood cells and neurotransmitters, promoting brain health and reducing the risk of heart disease.

On the other hand, vitamin B12 is mostly found in animal-based foods such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. It is vital for brain function, DNA synthesis, and red blood cell formation. A deficiency in this vitamin can lead to nerve damage and anemia.

While both vitamins are important, individuals who follow vegan or vegetarian diets may struggle to get enough vitamin B12 from their diet and may need to take supplements to meet their daily requirements. It’s essential to speak with a healthcare professional before taking any new supplements.